The Solar System model was created by using the Unity game engine. The original model included the Sun, Earth, Moon, and a comet. The Sun, Earth, and comet used either a fully 3D or 2D spatial blend.

The modifications made to this project are:

  1. The addition of Mercury, Venus, Mars, astroid belt, Jupiter, and Saturn.
  2. The same audio clip for every planet each with a different pitch.
  3. An increase in projectile speed and destroy distance of the comet prefab. 
  4. A slower spawn rate of comets.
  5. The Comet Spawner rotates slower around the Sun.
  6. A different angle of the main camera to encompass all planets.
  7. The addition of shadows.

Thank you for clicking and downloading!

Created by Drew Beimel


Mac 35 MB
Windows 25 MB